Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Great Race 2016 Day 5

Sorry I missed yesterday's post.

Up to date,  we have 5 Aces. A mix of other scores. That puts us in the middle of the pack.

Today we saw beautiful scenery. We went over one mountain pass at almost 11000 feet. The car made it. Many did not.

Tomorrow we are off to Mount Rushmore and dinner in Rapid City with Miss Morgan  Lucot.


  1. Hope you have lovely weather going to Mt. Rushmore. That's a pretty area. We were in that area and woke up on 9/11 in Rapid City, then drove all day listening to NPR and the horrors in NYC. Very Twilight Zone like going through the Badlands and hearing what was going on!

  2. Hope you have lovely weather going to Mt. Rushmore. That's a pretty area. We were in that area and woke up on 9/11 in Rapid City, then drove all day listening to NPR and the horrors in NYC. Very Twilight Zone like going through the Badlands and hearing what was going on!
